
It is self-evident that media planning and buying cannot continue to use the methods, systems and technologies that were developed in the 1970’s and 1980’s. While they
are comfortable and are the current currency in media allocation they are as obsolete as carbon paper. Most media planners and buyers are acting as agents for their clients. Thus, they have a fiduciary obligation to allocate the finite corporate resources in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
For the client/advertiser that charge now includes an objective to become more consumer-centric and increase marketing ROI. The new SIMM consumer allocation method does just that by making the consumer, their consumption value, and media influences to purchase key elements in the new model. Media Generations also demonstrates the utility to media planning of considering how media consumption and influence change among age cohorts with different media experiences.
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Martin P. Block
is a Professor in the Integrated Marketing Communications Division of the Medill School at Northwestern University. He is currently sector head for Entertainment and Gaming. He teaches graduate level marketing research, sales promotion, advertising, and direct marketing courses. Previously, Martin was a Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Advertising at Michigan State University. Martin is co-author of Media Generations (BIGresearch, 2008), Analyzing Sales Promotion (Dartnell, 1994), Business-to-Business Market Research, (Thomson, 2007) . His recent chapter “Post Promotion Evaluation” appears in The Power of Marketing at-Retail (POPAI, 2008). He was also co-author of Cable Advertising: New Ways to New Business (Prentice-Hall, 1987). He has published in academic research journals and trade publications. He has been the principal investigator on several Federally funded research projects and has served as a consultant to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Don E.
is Professor (Emeritus-in-Service) of Integrated Marketing
Communications at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. He is
also President of Agora, Inc., a global marketing, communication
and branding consulting firm also headquartered in Evanston, IL.
Schultz lectures, conducts seminars and conferences and consults
on five continents. He is the author of eighteen books and over
100 trade, academic and professional articles. He is a featured
founding editor of THE JOURNAL OF DIRECT MARKETING. Schultz is
recognized as a leading authority on new developments in
marketing and communication and has helped develop the
Integrated Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communication
concepts around the world along with pioneering work in
marketing accountability, branding, internal marketing and
marketing metrics/ROI.
is a
consumer intelligence firm providing analysis of behavior in
areas of products and services, retail, financial services,
automotive, and media. Their Consumer Intentions and Actions
(CIA) Survey monitors more than 8,000 consumers each month and
delivers fresh, demand-based information on where the retail
consumer is shopping and their changing behavior.
BIGresearch’s Simultaneous Media Usage Survey (SIMM) of more
than 15,000 consumers is conducted twice each year and gauges
consumption across media, products and services. BIGresearch's
large sample sizes and methodology provides highly accurate
consumer information with a margin of error of +/- 1 percent. www.bigresearch.com |